Perennial Openings

  I am looking for postdocs (300~600K annual salaries, or more), research assistants (6K~8K per month), Ph.D students, master students, and visiting students in AIGC, 3D scene reconstruction, affective computing, human-computer interaction as well as their applications. If you are interested in these positions, please drop me an email.


  • Postdoc: Ph.D degree in EE or CS; will perform research on natural language processing, dialogue generation, human-computer interaction, affective computing, 3D vision, or related video/image/speech/radar signal processing.
  • Research assistant: should possess at least bachelor’s degree (no requirement in discipline). Programming experience is preferred.
  • 硕士/博士研究生招生:英雄不问“出身”,不以一时之成败论英雄,有发表论文者优先。(注:团队成员有来自于双非院校,也有来自于985/211高校,甚至有来自于日本、美国等大学)

Potential candidates are welcome to submit their CVs to:
Prof. Qi Liu (
School of Future Technology, South China University of Technology.