About me

  Qi Liu is currently a Professor with the School of Future Technology at South China University of Technology. Dr. Liu received the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, in 2019. During 2018 - 2019, he was a Visiting Scholar at University of California Davis, CA, USA. From 2019 to 2022, he worked as a Research Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. His research interests include human-object interaction, AIGC, 3D scene reconstruction, and affective computing, etc. Dr. Liu has published over 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, including IEEE TFS、TCYB、TCSVT、IoT-J、ACL、CVPR、AAAI, etc., and has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE Systems Journal (2022-), and Digital Signal Processing (2022-). He was also Guest Editor for the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IET Signal Processing, etc. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Award of IEEE ICSIDP in 2019.

刘琦,华南理工大学未来技术学院教授,博士生导师,科研院重大项目与高新技术处副处长(挂职),IEEE高级会员,中国图象图形学学会多媒体专委会委员,广东省人工智能协会智库专家,粤港澳大湾区人工智能产业协会智库专家,全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家。主要从事多模态计算与情感交互、大规模场景三维重建、数字孪生、AIGC、人工智能多模态大模型平台及其智慧医疗应用。主持了包括国家自然科学基金、国防XXX工程项目课题、广州市基础研究、中央高校成果转化类等多项国家级、省部级及企业委托科研项目。公开发表学术论文50余篇,包括IEEE TFS、TCYB、TCSVT、IoT-J、ACL、CVPR、AAAI等。担任IEEE IoT-J、S-J、ELSEVIER DSP和IET SP等SCI期刊副主编/客座编辑,以及多个国际会议的特别会议主席。曾获得“最佳论文奖”,连续两年获得由香港城市大学颁发的“杰出学术成就奖”,和2022年CSIG图像图形技术行为识别挑战赛华为优胜奖。开源“扁鹊”和“灵心”主动健康大模型,推动多模态大模型平台建设。