@Article{s16040539, AUTHOR = {Wang, Xianpeng and Wang, Wei and Li, Xin and Liu, Qi and Liu, Jing}, TITLE = {Sparsity-Aware DOA Estimation Scheme for Noncircular Source in MIMO Radar}, JOURNAL = {Sensors}, VOLUME = {16}, YEAR = {2016}, NUMBER = {4}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {539}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/16/4/539}, ISSN = {1424-8220}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper, a novel sparsity-aware direction of arrival (DOA) estimation scheme for a noncircular source is proposed in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. In the proposed method, the reduced-dimensional transformation technique is adopted to eliminate the redundant elements. Then, exploiting the noncircularity of signals, a joint sparsity-aware scheme based on the reweighted l 1 norm penalty is formulated for DOA estimation, in which the diagonal elements of the weight matrix are the coefficients of the noncircular MUSIC-like (NC MUSIC-like) spectrum. Compared to the existing l 1 norm penalty-based methods, the proposed scheme provides higher angular resolution and better DOA estimation performance. Results from numerical experiments are used to show the effectiveness of our proposed method.}, DOI = {10.3390/s16040539} }